Transitioning to 2021

I’ve made several of these Copper Peace signs for a couple of people and it felt appropriate to post one as a symbol of Hope as we move into this New Year. Peace seemed to be elusive and harder to find in 2020, much to the surprise of what I had planned. I had so many ideas and intentions moving into 2020 that i had to abandon as I learned to “ReImagine” all that was part of “my new plan”. I am moving forward a little differently this year based on the lessons/gifts of this past year. I am taking a slow walk into 2021 and allowing the universe and Spirit to guide me where I need to be and at what pace I need to follow, to arrive at these places. Whatever unfolds, it will be accompanied with both Gifts & Lessons.

We can’t move into 2021 and just forget all that the universe started teaching us in 2020. There were many gifts that accompanied 2020 and as we make our journey in this New Year, I hope that we can take the gifts that we received and help us to use them to make the changes needed to move forward with Love & Compassion.

Peace to All.

Karla Deal